

Hello, my name is Jonnie Muckelroy. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I graduated in 2014, receiving my Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, Culver City CA. I began practicing as a Registered Associate intern in 2015, resulting in my licensure 2019. My journey of a mental health provider started during my process of providing care within our homeless community (2004-2015). During that time I met a wonderful women who was not only homeless, but also suffered from a severe mental illness. Her mental illness resulted in not being accepted within her community. Working diligently with this individual, I realized she needed more than I was equipped to give, resulting in my journey to provide not only tangible care, mental health care also. Due to establishing a therapeutic alliance, building trust, and collaboration in treatment, she was able to transition from homelessness, to hopefulness. This women has been my inspiration to continue to provide the best mental health care to everyone who is seeking recovery, healing, and or restoration.


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190 Sierra Ct. C4
Palmdale, CA 93552

(661) 941-1131

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